Thursday, May 31, 2012

The mystery of the panties in the Brazilian Parliament

Mystery in the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies. A panty appeared in full parliament. Dropped them a deputy, not known. Fewer still know who they were. The fact is that no one complained.
It happened two weeks ago and there are witnesses who saw but did not want to tell too much. The matter was kept secret for a few days, but they eventually go public.
That day, around 17h, the period of the agenda at the meeting, a deputy came running to go vote, rummaged in his pockets and dropped something. It was a white and red panties with embroidery on the sides.
The deputy did not notice and went to the floor. Some guards have the case and gave them a slight kick in a piece of lingerie to hide next to the Trash. Warned by security, an aide to Speaker of the House of Representatives kept it.

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